Saturday 12 February 2011

Heavy Periods and CKT

Throughout a woman's life her body undergoes major physical changes. Every month a woman is constantly reminded of this. It's not just physical changes that occur. We are all aware how our emotions can alter just before a period or how emotional we can feel after a birth. These emotional changes can impact on the physical level as well.
Then as time marches on, we face all that the menopause can bring, and many women are well aware of that roller coaster of heat fluctuations, body shape changes, emotional upheavals.

So many of these major body changes occur just as other rights of passage are going on.
For many girls, their periods start just as they are about to change school or not long after. The menopause can come along as your children start to think about leaving home, which can often be at the same time as your own parents may start to need help or your support.

Is it any wonder that stress levels creep up and they themselves impact on our hormonal balance.

Women certainly need a lot of inner strength, but we also need to think how we can nurture our bodies and tend to our physical and emotional well being.

So what works best?  What can we do to assist the body to be at its optimum?

Well, there is always the conventional route of a trip to the GP's, who will I'm sure, do their best given the time slot and what they have available to them, or there is another route.

Complementary health practitioners offer many ways to look at the body and address its needs.

Now don't get me wrong, no way would I advocate not seeing a GP if that is what's needed, or that it has to be one or the other. After all, the term is Complementary Health. Complementary to the body and if necessary to mainstream medicine.

In my practice, I see a lot of women who have tried the HRT route for menopause, or take the pill for heavy or painful periods etc, but what are we adding to our bodies and what did women do before these were on offer to us.  Surely it makes sense to look at natural medicine rather than impose a pill on the body.

Heavy periods

Firstly it is important to rule out causes such as Uterine fibroids, Polyps or Endometriosis etc It may be worth having a thyroid test as over active and under active thyroids can give menstrual problems.

Checking diet to make sure that there is a good supply of Vit C, which helps in strengthening capillaries, it also helps in the absorption of Iron and a deficiency in Iron can also be a cause of heavy periods and strangely a result of them as well. Vit A, E and K are also worth checking.

Seeking the advice of a herbalist or nutritionist could be a good start

Many herbalists recommend Blue Cohosh, Birthroot or Sheperds purse, but a consultation would determine individually what is right.

My favoured route would be Chirokinetic Therapy

Never heard of it? Well check out the website.

Chirokinetic Therapy or CKT can check the individual cause and make the corrections or determine just what the body needs to allow it to make improvements.

It does not take a 'blanket' view or a 'one size fits all' approach. It looks at the individual and finds the cause and not just treat the symptoms.

CKT and its supportive techniques can offer a great approach to the body and it's needs.

With CKT you can check if the body has fibroid issues, and offer ways of treating these. Check hormonal imbalances and get the body to correct them. Check structural problems and diet deficiencies and determine what is needed for the individual. There is no end to the lengths CKT can explore the body to establish the cause of the problem

It could show that aromatherapy or homeopathy, herbs or tinctures would control heavy periods. It could then hone that down as to what oils, remedies, herbs or tinctures would be best and even the dosage required for that individual.

CKT can be used on its own to treat or support other therapies in the pursuit of a healthy body.

How ever one tackles health issues, it has to be the way forward that we try and tailor the remedy to the individual body.      check it out!

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