Thursday 20 October 2011

The Vitamin Debate Rumbles on, Now Some People are Scared to Take Them!

I see a comment from a woman who stopped taking every vitamin but the calcium. That must be because the survey showed it was ok? Look, this survey followed women who self administered and self recorded what they took, well how many did that religiously everyday or as human nature is, how many forgot for days on end to record it down and then have to guess back what they took
I have known people who agree to these surveys, completely forget for weeks and then make it up!
that unfortuntely is human nature, so if that isn't a big enough question mark over this study, what about this...
For most people to spend money on vitamins, they might first be thinking their bodies need it, that could be because of an underlying illness or problem. We don't know if these women were all perfectly healthy specimens and i doubt they all were, given the length of this survey.
They probably took only the RDA, recommended daily allowance, which as i said is really just enough to keep you alive, not make you well - 2 very different things!
Most people have not a clue what strength they can safely go to with vitamins, and would dare not exceed that RDA! Just in case!
If the RDA make expensive urine as the Dr says, what about the hormone filled urine from the contraceptive pill etc If the doctor is under the belief that these vitamins are just being urinated out of the body, then the body is getting rid of what it doesn't need and not building up causing problems, as many allopathic medicines do.

Dr's can't have the argument all ways!
Lets have proper RDA's and not these very low RDA's that will be ineffective against major problems but then allow medics and pharma to declare vitamins to be ineffective.
If vitamins were administered at true therapeutic levels, i'm sure these flawed results would be very different.
If nothing else, watch 'Food Matters - the movie' you will see just what amazing things can happen to the body when the dose is high enough to do good.
These guys were treating cancer with mega high doses of Vit C and the cancers were going, with the only side effect of a slightly mussy head and isn't that better than chemo where you will lose your hair, weight, your healthy cells, have nausea etc etc and possibly die from the effects of it, like my sister!
So if you still think that vitamins are at best useless and at worst, harmfull, follow the research of those that study them properly and not a doctor who has less than a half day training on nutrition in the UK. You wouldn't trust your dentist if he only attended 1 afternoon of his training and expect him to be an expert. 

You wouldn't even trust your car to a mechanic who attended a half days training, so why would you put your nutritional health into the hands of someone with a similar level of training.

A quick glance around a hospital will show you that health and nutrition don't share a ward! or we wouldn't have some long term patients leave hospital malnourished!
We live in a world with info at our fingertips yet we don't research the important stuff in life and blindly follow the ignorant!

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