Friday 18 January 2013

What Therapy is Right For You?

This is a good question and lends itself to the diversity of therapies that are out there.
If you are looking to treat allergies, CKT or chirokinetic therapy is very effective as would addressing the immune system through vitamins.

Aromatherapy and herbalism are very good for hormonal problems and digestion problems, but again, they too can be used for a variety of illnesses as well. Herbalism is the oldest form of medicine and thus can tackle a multitude of illnesses by addressing the root cause. Aromatherapy will impact chemically on the body as well, and used alongside massage, can also alleviate muscular pains etc .

It is limitless what complementary medicine can do to help restore health and balance.
It is almost impossible to declare what is best as it is for the exploration of the individual.

It may be that you try a few to see what has the best affinity with your body. You have to give whatever you try, a few sessions to see the difference. I equate it to medicine, that there may well be a range of pills that treat the same condition, some you react well to and others you don’t. Beta blockers are a good example of this. You also wouldn't take a pill once and declare it a failure; you need to see how it responds over time.

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