Wednesday 24 April 2013

When corporations start to grab at nature - time to hold back your spending power.

As individuals in this very fast moving and ever changing world, in which we seem to face one global crisis after another, caused by some organisation of which we have little control, isn't it time we made more use of a very precious commodity that we all have to some degree or another.

As consumers, where we spend our money can have a big impact on these massive corporations.
Here in the UK, it forced one particular coffeeshop chain to pay its taxes when people decided to boycott it in protest.

Those of you who are already Monsanto aware, might like to see that Nestle are not much better.  Not hard to avoid Nestle food. Being a lover of real food, they are not the products I pick up, but here is the link to the you tube clip where Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck implies that the world's water will soon come under the control of corporations like his.  In it he says that water is not a basic human right!!!

If you think that isn't bad enough, how about this little bit from that delightful Nestle company that has generated the petition mentioned below....

Over 150,000 people have signed a petition to Nestlé, calling for the company to stop trying to patent the traditional curative powers of Nigella Sativa. What's more, over 50,000 have shared the campaign with  friends -- and all this action clearly will have an effect on Nestlé.
Nestlé has written up an official response, but the conglomerate's defence is ridiculous: Nestlé claims everything is OK because it is not patenting the flower itself, just the flower's traditional medicinal use. Nestlé's official patent, filed in countries around the world, claims that it "invented" use of nigella sativa to treat allergic reactions, despite the fact that the flower has been used for this very purpose across the Middle East and Asia for over a millennium.
Nigella sativa -- more commonly known as fennel flower -- has been used as a cure-all remedy for over a thousand years. It treats everything from vomiting to fevers to skin diseases, and has been widely available in impoverished communities across the Middle East and Asia.

So now Nestlé is claiming to have invented its use, and is trying take control over the natural cure of the fennel flower in order to turn it into a costly private drug.
Please join in telling Nestlé to stop trying to patent this natural cure

If you should wish to sign the petition, follow the link below

What a delightful company, they clearly need our money in exchange for what ever it is they sell as food, to take over the world, water drop by water drop and plant by plant- incredible!  Monsanto might have a fight on their hands.

There is much we as individuals can do, as we are consumers and that is mighty powerful, so if consumers stop spending their hard earned money in the direction of these monstrous organisations, they have less domination in the market place and over the food and perhaps water that we have

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