Monday 20 May 2013

Mandatory Vaccinations - A Good Idea or Not?

Mandatory vaccinations or any form of mandatory health treatments must surely be a route we need to be very wary of.  So this story that has emerged from Australia should be of great concern if you view your freedom of choice as important, especially where your own health and that of your children, is concerned.

In this country (UK)  you would have to be under some form of mental health section/order for treatments against your will and that would only occur if you were deemed  mentally unfit and could be of harm to yourself or others.  This process is by far from easy to obtain and is under constant review whilst someone is under such an order.

But here is an article proposing that the basic right of a mentally stable person to choose the route of health care is legislated against for one form of medical treatment and mandatory vaccinations would become the norm.

It is a medical treatment and informed consent should be informed are you?

Why are people so short sighted that they don't think through the consequences of what they are proposing and how precedents are quickly set and transfer to other forms of treatments which might just make the whole vaccination debate pale into insignificance.

It is the same old story, people want freedom of choice, as long as everyone's choice is the same as theirs and if it isn't, then they want to change the law so that conformity rules and preferably conforming to their way.

In the No Jab/No Play campaign in Australia, the pro immunisation lobby really need to go and look at the facts. Then they need to be equally sure that when problems with vaccinations arise they are as happy to deal with the consequences as those that choose not to vaccinate are happy to manage the illness.

Now I think it is a good deal easier to manage measles and chicken pox etc than it is to cope with the very often devastating effects of vaccination.

Never mind statistical data, if your child is ill through either the disease or the vaccine, it is 100% . It is not part of a set of statistics.  So I find statistics in medicine and health not terribly helpful.

Like for many children, measles and other childhood illnesses are perfectly normal and for the greater majority prove to be fine. The argument the pro vaccine lobby take, is that some children die from the disease and yes indeed that is sadly true and very often children with poor immunity to start with or children in underdeveloped nations. But children die from vaccinations also and they too are often children with poor immunity or underlying complications as the medics are very quick to say when such deaths occur.

So far I'm not convinced that the risk of vaccination is worth it.  

If you make vaccination mandatory, then the state better have the finances and resources to help parents cope when it does go wrong, because it can then be a costly bill of ongoing care, one which the state, through lack of parental choice then, will have inflicted.

The argument that the un-vaccinated put the vaccinated at risk is so obviously ridiculous that I'm surprised such a statement gets used.  If the vaccines are that effective the vaccinated should be sitting smugly, safe in the knowledge that they are and will remain disease free, should they not?

I had a parent once complain to me that her vaccinated son got measles from an un-vaccinated boy at nursery. She was most indignant, as she should be. After all, she had him vaccinated with a whole host of neuro-toxins and for that to be worth it, you really do expect that vaccine to give ultimate protection.
Sadly she missed the point, which given she worked in clinical research was slightly odd. This mother blamed the mother of the un-vaccinated child. I had to suggest to her that she maybe vent her spleen towards the vaccine manufacturer or the doctor, as she didn't quite get what she thought/was lead to believe, occur.

But of course the get out clause is that nothing is 100% ,not even vaccination protection.  But it is 100% when it's your child that is ill.

So those that choose not to vaccinate are far from putting the lives of other children at risk.
I know the argument that some children can not have the vaccine as their systems are too ill to take it - This is hardly a reason that others should be asked to put their children at very careful what is done in the name of the 'greater good'   At some point all of us could be in a position to be the sacrificial lamb for the greater good!
The question should really be that if these vaccines are so safe, why is it that some children can't have them!

When parents choose not to vaccinate and are made to feel they put others at risk, may be those parents could well have the right to take a similar stance - as viruses will always mutate and there are already reports of mutated measles strains that will be vaccine resistant.  Just like the mass over use of antibiotics has put those of us that have never used or needed them at risk of antibiotic resistant germs.

So all those that ran to their GP's wanting a prescription for antibiotics for conditions they were never going to work for ie viruses, have now put us all at risk of super bugs - worth the pro-vaccine lobby bearing in mind.

One quote from the NoJab/NoPlay brigade is this 'They (the anti vaccine group), think they know more than the medical community. The truth of the matter is they are not clever, they’re just lucky — lucky that their families have never been touched with the unimaginable anguish of a child’s death from a disease medical science has already beaten.'

Turn this argument around and may be the pro vaccine lobby are in the same position, lucky their children have not be affected by vaccinations.   Go tell the parents of those children that have been damaged by vaccines how lucky they are to have had the vaccine and how good it was of them to act for the 'greater good' in getting their children vaccinated.   Then stand well back!

Be mindful that the medical community tell you what they want you to know.  The number of unsafe medicines that the medical community tell you are safe and then law suits hit them, should make us be wary of the info we are given and look at all sources before you decide. All studies in fact, not the 'cherry picked' ones from the 'medical community'.

All these arguments presented by the pro-vaccine lobby are counterbalanced and that should indicate that mandatory vaccinations are not the way.  There is no evidence to show they are totally effective and totally safe for all.

Why won't governments compare the health of vaccinated children with that of the un-vaccinated children.
That would be a good place to start to prove how safe they are and that side effects are nil - would it not?

Let us see recent investigations into vaccinations, reviews of the original studies - that also might be reassuring. How many of these studies are encouraged or take place. Very few, if any I suspect.

History has a lot to tell us and it certainly shows that incidences of the disease were already on a massive decline before vaccinations were introduced.  That is there for all to see.

It is also no secret what goes into vaccinations, it's just that parents are not told and don't ask.

If mandatory vaccinations are going to be what's called for, then these vaccines better be 100% safe!  No anti-freeze, mercury, aluminium, formaldyhde, animal cells, embryo cells etc etc (but of course we are told that these neuro-toxins are safe in small doses......Well you might not be so sure about that, when you see how that is decided on)

Most of those that choose not to vaccinate do so for the reason of concerns over these adjuvants and quite rightly should be concerned.  In fact it is amazing that all parents are not worried or question this, if the health of their child and others is paramount.

I think all those that are calling for mandatory vaccinations should watch the following movie

Shots In The Dark: Silence on Vaccine

Just listen to the bit that tells you how they decided mercury was safe....If that doesn't worry you.....

Mandatory anything should be considered very carefully and how clever to set one group of parents against another, people policing people - smacks of dictatorships and regimes the vast majority would not want to see in their own countries. As for many things in life, be careful what you think you want - you might just get it and more!

Be very careful when you start calling for the rights of the individual to be removed on health choices.
It may be a slippery slope we can ill afford to embark on.

Those that are deemed anti-vaccine are actually wanting choice, choice for their child and themselves.  The pro-vaccine lobby seem intent on removing choice for everyone.....Is that ever a sound way to proceed?

We should all be seeking the truth, what ever that maybe and safety in our drugs.

You might like to consider this also....

Below is a link to quite a mighty 45 page document on vaccinations - don't be put off.

The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on
Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds?

Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD
Neural Dynamics Research Group, Dept. of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of British

It might look as if it is not for the feint hearted but worth working your way through (may be not at one sitting!) Don't be put off by the usual report style these things get formatted in as the crux of the info is superb.

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