Sunday 26 May 2013

May 25th 2013 - When 2 million said 'No To Monsanto'

Yesterday saw millions across the globe take to the streets to protest against the American multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation - Monsanto.

Why did so many ordinary men, women and their children decide to take up the call under the Umbrella 'March Against Monsanto'?

Well if the suicides of 300,000 Indian farmers isn't a good enough reason, then how about the right to know what is in our food, the freedom of choice, maintaining biodiversity that is essential to the survival of us all or perhaps the fact that this organisation operates above the law and has its own Monsanto Protection Act, was a catalyst.
The Monsanto Protection Act, essentially both written by and benefiting Monsanto Corporation, has been signed into law by United States President Barack Obama. The infamous Monsanto Corporation will benefit greatly and directly from the bill, as it essentially gives companies that deal with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) seeds immunity to the federal courts, among other things.
The bill states that even if future research shows that GMOs or GE seeds cause significant health problems, cancer, etc, anything, that the federal courts no longer have any power to stop their spread, use, or sales.'
Dr Vandana Shiva is a scientist, Indian environmental activist, anti-globalization author and campaigner. Below is a link to her call to the march against Monsanto.
It is just 5 minutes long and it contains the very reasons why this is not just about a one day protest, this is a battle everyday that we can not afford to lose to the likes of Monsanto - use your consumer choice.

The fact that so many ordinary citizens stood together across the globe to 'Say No To Monsanto' should make governments wake up and listen to their electorate and make sure that GMO isn't allowed in through the back door as well, while certainly not being invited through the front.

In the UK we don't grow GM crops for consumption as yet, but it can still be in your food, unlabelled! It can be in the animal feed that is imported. Nearly all soya or maize/corn is GM, and what do most commercial farmers feed livestock - corn.   (Is this really what cows should be eating?)

So you have to go organic with meat, dairy and eggs at least to be sure they are GM free.

Vaccinations cultured on eggs are hardly going to be cultured on organic eggs....far more likely the eggs from battery hens fed GM corn.  

So for it not to enter the body you have to make active choices about what you buy.

This is where we have the utmost power...consumer power is the way forward.

Whether you spend £50 or £5 or even 50p. If it doesn't go to those that supply GMO food to the consumer or to purchase GMO food then it sends a very powerful message to suppliers about what we want.

To borrow a phrase from that giant supermarket chain, Tesco.....'Every Little Helps'  every little spent against  GMO will add up and impact on them. Every little will help!

We do have considerable power - so lets use it!

Why are these food companies so reluctant to label food with GMO?  If it is so good you would want people to know about it so they can support it actively with their money - would you not?  After all if a product has free range eggs in it, the manufacturer makes this very visible on the package because they know its a selling point......Would GM be the same?  I doubt it when consumers start finding out just what that can mean and then may be they would start using their consumer vote.

I joined the London protest and stood and walked beside a lovely group of people. The message was clear and some very well informed speakers, including Bianca Jagger, spoke sensibly and passionately about the problems farmers have faced at the hands of Monsanto - how they operate above the law, and what the repercussions could be and could continue to be if we don't turn back now.

If the argument is that we need to create crops resistant to drought and disease to be able to feed the world, then we better examine that carefully. 

And if it is true, then next time you shop in your supermarket, look at where the fresh produce is coming in from. 
If Africa is struggling to feed its own, why are we expecting it to use its limited resources to grow green beans for us. Green beans from Kenya, Libya, South Africa, Courgettes from South Africa, Sweet corn from India???  The list goes on.  Take a look and see.  
So if you are going to buy into the argument, Africa or India etc can't feed itself with the crops it has, you better consider not supporting the import of what really is non essential veg from these countries.  
Given the line that supports GMO, then buying these products is the equivalent of taking candy from a child!

Nature has a remarkable way of adapting crops to suit the environment and often famine is less to do with not enough food, but food distribution.  Look at the amount of food waste that occurs.

Look at the size of food portions in the US and compare that to what your average person in the third world eats and I think anyone could hardly think we have a food shortage problem but where it is and who is consuming and wasting vast amounts of it, is the big question.  Our challenge is one of distribution as it has always been.

If we had a global food shortage, why on earth do we have a global obesity problem....the maths doesn't add up.  Increases in disease and illness that departments of health put down to excess weight.....someones eating all the food then!  Maybe it's all that corn that the US produce, avoid it like the plague. High fructose corn syrup isn't going to feed the world, but it is considered to be responsible for obesity and health related problems.  So No to GMO corn....we don't need it!

We manage to fly food from all over the world here, because there is money to purchase it, what ever the price.  So again not a food shortage but an economic problem and again, just as it has always been.

If you think Monsanto are giving Africa and India food or helping to feed the world cheaply.......well really!!

The deaths of so many farmers in India is a very high price indeed. For people to see their livelihoods gone as the Monsanto seeds failed to perform as they were led to believe, and now cannot grow the non GMO crop as the land is contaminated with Monsanto seed/pesticide. Look what happens to the poor farmers that grew crops that ended up cross pollinated with nearby Monsanto crops, these poor farmers find themselves being sued by Monsanto for an act of nature.

Where is a global monopolies commission on this?

A few mighty corporate giants ruling and those that take control of the food supply, take control of the population.   

So spend your money wisely.

If you follow the link below, you'll see some great pictures of the day, plus info on what foods/companies to avoid if you, like those that marched, would prefer your food to be GMO free.

So many people don't even know about Monsanto, yet this corporation is having a big impact on their lives and left to them and those like them, that impact will get bigger.

Tell people, share the info and    Say No To Monsanto!

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