Wednesday 29 May 2013

So New South Wales vote to give up a right on a medical health choice - a Vote to give up a right, Incredible!

Having just seen the news that New South Wales voted for mandatory vaccination before children could be allowed into child care establishments, staggers me.
I'm shocked that parents feel the need to be told what they should do with their own children's health.

The fact that some parents pushed others to have to accept a 'medical health' procedure or face not being able to use the same facilities is hideous.

Just take out the whole vaccine right/wrong safe/unsafe issue, this is an example of voting to take away a right???!! A right over your child's health? A right to decide if a medical procedure is what you want or not.

Doesn't anyone see any wrong in this.  It's like concentration camp rules.  No choice!

How on earth do you get people to give up a right?...that really is some propaganda machine at work.

You can argue the safety aspect of vaccines but this is bigger....a right of choice over health, just taken away, given away in!!!

We are all told how smoking is bad for you, alcohol is bad for you.  Big drain on the health services from both these addictions.  More deaths related to those than ever to measles mumps etc.. So when is New South Wales taking away the option to both of those.

Big social impact from both of those too. So which lobby is going to stand up and say that unless you stop smoking or drinking you can't have access to the gym, the pub, restaurants, or even a job!!!

Smoking has an impact on the health of children within the home, so are we going to enforce a liberty restriction here too.

Far greater risk from passive smoking to children than from measles.

Oh my goodness, I might have given the crazy New South Wales health crew a new cause!

Well for all your sakes, I hope you haven't voted in a slippery slope!

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